Thursday, March 29, 2012

Do Not Ignore Your Child's Golden Age (Part I)

What do you feel when you see the years old are cute and agile? Surely you will admire, if not immediately embraced and kissed him. But what do you feel when yousee kids that age did not say anything, not active, even just talking tough. Of course you are concerned about is not it?
It has a lively and intelligent child is every parent's dream. But to fulfill that dreamto be more active parental roleThe main phase in the days of golden agethe golden age in the range of 0-5 years of age and is the most important phase of growth. Phase is the basics of brain developmentThat is, 80% of the brain develop at that age.
Parents are expected to further optimize the child's intelligence and personality formation in these timesUnfortunatelymany parents tend to not care about thateither because of busy work outside the home or out of ignorance.
As a resultthe child can not grow and develop optimally.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Zombie is Real! Are You Sure?


Tim Meacham as he went through without a blow LVAD device. May seem Fortunately, it was not really necessary in this device if you took his health. Could serve as inspiration for a story of well-being.
It is not the end of the world remains, and there are zombies walking around - at least not the kind of zombies are walking dead, but rather as a living person, with no heartbeat.
For some people it is evoked, you mention the word cut on the platform in LVAD Grey Anatomy, Izzie Stevens, in which the LVAD wire intentional Denny Duquette top of the list of donor hearts. But in the real world, is the word for the life of Tim Meacham LVAD.
Technically, the auxiliary device, or LVAD used to replace as the heart of the left ventricular assist device for patients whose heart is too weak to be able to blood on its own pump while waiting for the number of your new heart, the list of donors. It works like a lifetime-help, but thanks to the brilliance of the technology, the machine can now LVAD same life-saving device for people who do not qualify for heart transplantation because of diseases such as obesity, smoking, anger, renal hypertension, and others.
This is the case of Tim Meacham, he must first lose the excess weight, smoking, kidney disease and injury, before it can be the heart transplant list, will probably not live long enough to be absorbed by your doctor told him the news seriously, that 30 percent chance of living for a year, but since 15% of the work of the heart. A heart was so weak that they hardly recognize, a pulse.
Enter the destination
But because the goal of therapy is to live well, is no longer alive. The LVAD device, connected through an opening at the left ventricular so that a tube with the blood where it pass and move through the rest of the body with the pump, something new. What's new about this in therapy or the opportunity, where people do not, it may be in the list of donors are now being used on the same machine LVAD was previously available only for patients with heart who are weak, the time to stand waiting.
The minor inconvenience that will lead to a bag with a car battery, whose heart is nothing compared to life extension given. And because of this opportunity, Tim Meacham now have the color back into her life - literally - as it was once used gray from lack of blood flow.
In reality, the power of technology is amazing. But you really have to wait until your heart and kidneys wear out before you decide to change your lifestyle? Tim Meacham proper diet and healthy lifestyle noticed was while he was still young, it would not be necessary on the basis of life-saving device. It would probably be no need for heart transplant list, really.
What can you learn from ...
Thus, the new information is not only how much technology is over, but more importantly, you do not like to take advantage of your health. If you are overweight, you're pretty vulnerable to diabetes and high blood pressure, cause two of which damage to the kidneys and both can be easy with the choice of quality, home-cooked meals with more vegetables tasty fast foods high in salt, and avoided sugar. Health problems can affect the kidneys two large, that is only a kidney transplant or dialysis to save you.
Will you wait until the day when your heart like a clock which will strike at almost empty battery to get the effect of smoking and drinking on top of a lifestyle for a healthy diet for your body? Do you really want to sit around and for the day you see your life is consumed waiting snatch you out of it?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Slim and Beauty With a Banana for Breakfast Diet


Simple program called morning banana diet diet was originally created by an Osaka pharmacist to streamline the fat husband. It turned out that successful weight dropped 38 pounds. This diet became famous as an actress lost weight by 26 pounds. An opera singer's weight dropped 15 pounds.
Currently, the bananas are sold in many shops in Tokyo exhausted during the day. Many people have questioned how a simple fruit can help you lose weight. According to nutritionists Dole Nutrition Institute, U.S., research shows, the banana is one of the super foods and is especially beneficial for dieters.
Breakfast banana diet is easy to do. In the morning, eat 1 or 2 bananas and a glass of water in 230 ml room temperature for breakfast, followed by sing and eat dinner in moderation. Limit alcohol, sugary drinks and dessert. May eat a little at 3 pm for a snack. Also, try not to eat when slightly full and complete meal at 8 pm.