Friday, March 30, 2012

Do Not Ignore Your Child's Golden Age (Part II)

Golden age is the most important phase of child development phase. At this age is the best time in the child's ability to remember. Children also very easy to be directed at the right thing. Therefore it is easy, the formation of the child's personality, it should be laid out in this period.
Parents in the stimulation of golden age is an important thing to be done at home and throughearly childhood education. Stimulation of these aspects include how to develop fine motor, gross motor, cognitive and affective.
Stimulation can be either fine motor skills that include the flexibility of the fingers. This can be done through a game that stimulates the child's hand skills. For example, how the children fold the paper, paint, put a spoon into his mouth, etc. Fine motor skills are very necessary as basic writing skills and other activities, including: eatingdrinking, buttoning shirts and socks

Meanwhile, gross motor skills is the ability to control body movements that include skills to control the large muscles. Gross motor development can be obtained from the game to crawl, walk, run, climb, roll over and swim. While the cognitive ability of children to process, interpret and categorize the information obtained through the senses.
This capability is further developed into the ability to think logically. Development of children's cognitive ability to understand their environment determines both logically and realistically. With the growing cognitive abilities, children's understanding of objectspeople and events of the environment, will make the child to accurately assess.
In this case the habit of taking children to a lot of talk going very well in improving the cognitive abilities, obtained through language acquisition.

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