Monday, March 19, 2012

Foot Pain Can be Serious

Our feet are one of the most important parts of our bodies that we sometimes neglected, and accepted as a given. For many of us are blessed with feet that gives us the freedom to go running, and running around our feet constantly at work most of the day.
The ankle and the foot is composed of hundreds of ligaments and muscles, 33 joints and more than 26 bones. The plantar fascia is a connective tissue very strong, which runs along the sole of the foot and provides support and stability during movement of the lower extremities. Since our feet are always moving and standing is painful, sometimes because of the multitude of problems and conditions.
What are the typical causes of foot pain and conditions? 
Plantar facilities. This is one of the most common causes of foot pain. As I said, the plantar fascia is a tough tissue that runs along the sole of the foot and our actions as a shock absorber and the support of the foot. It is hard and strong, the band of inflamed tissue and is often painful, especially in the early morning hours. Persons carrying for a long period of time claims are risk for getting plantar fascists. This is a common foot condition of runners, pregnant women and overweight people experience. The person feels a burning pain and foot pain. If not treated immediately, will cause the leg pain and anatomical imbalance can cause pain in other parts of the body, such as hip or knee.
Metatarsalgia. The pain is called up to the toes or on the right side in front of the toes metatarsalgia related. This is a common condition experienced by people or athletes make a lot of burst jumping, running and footwork. Wear shoes is caused to close and metatarsalgia pain are thin. The pain felt excruciating pain varies from under the foot, some pain in the toe to the foot 4 or numbness in the toes. Metatarsalgia can be treated conservatively with rest, at home and wear the right shoes with wide feet. However, if no significant improvement after the change, it is best to your doctor or better yet, a podiatrist, to consult the specialist in foot and ankle conditions.
Corns and calluses. The skin of the feet to the passage of time is increased from thick shoes of friction or pressure. Runners resistance thick calluses and corns on the heel or ball of the foot. Come for the ordinary people, corns and calluses by wearing ill-fitting shoes. Corns are usually found on the top down, even if the skin thickened calluses under the ball of the foot. This rule, if the person come to remove the cause of the pressure and friction, a change of shoes or other activities. The socks and shoes to help alleviate and eliminate calluses and corns. This condition is just the pain score for concern for diabetics because it can predispose to infections and foot ulcers. This result should be a fundamental requirement for consultation.
How can we avoid foot pain?
Wear socks and get the right shoe comfort and fit like a pillar of the outbreak of foot problems to avoid. Give your feet the rest need to take preventive measures for foot pain.
You can also check your feet by a podiatrist or foot is analyzed by a physical therapist if you need additional support for the kind of arch foot.

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