Thursday, April 5, 2012

Beware, Alzheimer Can Strike People at Younger Ages!

Forgot your friend's name? Forget the lecture hall? Forget an appointment? Be careful. There is a possibility you develop symptoms of Alzheimer's.
Forgotten is a disease that sucks. Moreover, if the disease is perched on a productive period. For example, when you forget an appointment with your boss. Your boss has been painstakingly waiting and wasting time, we forget and do something else instead.Imagine what would happen next. Maybe you can figure it out.
Forget this disease if it only appears a few times and only for trivial things might not be a serious and considered appropriate because we as human beings. But if it appears too often, this is the culprit. Lest we have contracted Alzheimer's.
Alzheimer's dementia is a disease that causes the decrease or loss of one's memory. In general, the Alzheimer's brain cell death caused by a faster than normal. Brain cells have a tendency to stop growing at age 18 and began to experience the process of cell death in cortical cerebral neuron (outer lining of the brain) and continues to rise. Death of brain cells is what causes people to forget. 
In addition, other factors such as the causes of Alzheimer's age, gender (women are more susceptible than men), low educational background (brain rarely used to think), hereditary (genetic), thyroid gland failure, and diseases such as stroke side, Parkinson's , fever, measles and others.
Because Alzheimer's disease is caused the performance degradation of the brain that process takes a relatively long time, we can get a little relief. Because the disease generally affects the elderly aged 60 years and over. But we are young are also likely to experience symptoms of this disease. Here are 10 symptoms of Alzheimer's:
1. Memory disorders
Easily forgotten are the early symptoms of Alzheimer's. Based on the study, 40% -50% of people tend to forget easily susceptible to Alzheimer's in just 3 years.
2. Difficulty performing daily activities
Trivially the usual difficulties of everyday due to forgetting how to do it, such as forgetting or any cooking, forgetting how to bathe, dress, makeup, and others. Brain function in the planning and arrangements are also susceptible to interference.
3. Problems in speech
Often forget to express something with the right words so often misunderstood in others.
4. Disorientation
Disturbance about time, place, and the environment. Often do not know is where, forget directions, and did not know his way home alone.
5. The deteriorating performance
Bath time forgot, forgot to eat, forget the dress, forget to sleep, forget to wear cosmetics that look untidy, tangled hair, sunken eyes, dry skin, and clothes are not neat.
6. It's hard to do simple calculations
Forgot to write numbers and count numbers that simple. Like a child just learning math.
7. Wrong or forgot to put stuff
Alzheimer's sufferers often find stuff back and forth like glasses, keys or other items. too often people blame others because they have stolen it.
8. Feelings or behavior changes
Patients become like traveling without a destination, follow others without purpose, and become more aggressive.
9. Changes in personality
Emotional changes drastically, apathetic, impatient, easily discouraged and blaming others, like anxiety and emotional changes drastically.
10. Loss of interest and initiative
Reduced personal enjoyment of the hobby is performed. Because people forget or have forgotten how to do his favorite thing.
If you often forget to mention the names of your friends and be embarrassed in front of them, do a quick sentence that you have contracted Alzheimer's. But do not underestimate it anyway because if left unchecked and continues, it will likely get worse, and even Alzheimer's. There is an important way to prevent this, always to train the brain. Do not let your brain rest for too long because it'll be blunt. To sharpen the brain, you can try the following tips:
1. Practice
There are many ways to practice remembering such as filling in a puzzle or a practice question and answer quickly, playing memory games, chess, or games that can stimulate the brain.
2. Repeat
Repeat important information that is not easily forgotten. If you often forget the name of a friend, try to keep remembering your friend or remember important appointments, phone numbers, or a list of important terms so that the brain get used to that information.
3. Concentration and focus
In vain did you practice when you are not concentrating fully. Try practicing or studying in the room is nice and quiet. If not happy with the situation that is too quiet maybe a touch of classical music can stimulate your brain.
4. Association
Never be content with the knowledge that you have now. Knowledge-knowledge continued to dig through any books. That way you will be more extensive knowledge.
5. Quit smoking
Viewed from any point of smoking is not good for health, especially to the brain.Nicotine levels in cigarettes can cause blockage of nerve fibers and specks of calcification in the accumulation of blood flow to the brain so the brain becomes blocked.
In addition to these precautions, the type of leaf extract of Ginkgo Biloba is believed to prevent malicious forgetful disease. Effects of leaf extract is making a fresh body and increase concentration.
But if you have Alzheimer's disease, should not consume these leaves. Because based on the research, the work is very slow leaf extract which ranges from six months to a year. The effect will be felt if consumed regularly.
Research carried out for 52 weeks in groups of patients with Alzheimer's who take Ginkgo Biloba leaf extract, only 27% who receive healing. Measuring tool in the form of memory improvement, comprehension, and behavior. So in vain if the person is taking Ginko Biloba leaf extract in order to improve your memory.
However, when taking it to rejuvenate the body and brain certainly does not hurt.Because the leaf extract is believed to improve the way the oxygen to the brain and prevents the calcification of blood coagulation due to flow to the brain to become fluent.
In addition to the above tips, you can also reduce fat and high calorie foods that are at risk of clogging the blood vessels to the brain. Expand also exercise to maintain fitness and brain, and practice meditation to give you peace.

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