Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Slim and Beauty With a Banana for Breakfast Diet


Simple program called morning banana diet diet was originally created by an Osaka pharmacist to streamline the fat husband. It turned out that successful weight dropped 38 pounds. This diet became famous as an actress lost weight by 26 pounds. An opera singer's weight dropped 15 pounds.
Currently, the bananas are sold in many shops in Tokyo exhausted during the day. Many people have questioned how a simple fruit can help you lose weight. According to nutritionists Dole Nutrition Institute, U.S., research shows, the banana is one of the super foods and is especially beneficial for dieters.
Breakfast banana diet is easy to do. In the morning, eat 1 or 2 bananas and a glass of water in 230 ml room temperature for breakfast, followed by sing and eat dinner in moderation. Limit alcohol, sugary drinks and dessert. May eat a little at 3 pm for a snack. Also, try not to eat when slightly full and complete meal at 8 pm. 
Why is effective?
• breakfast increases your metabolism for up to 300 calories
Metabolism sleep when we sleep and wake up when we ate the first meal of the day.So, the Capet eat, the better. Research shows people who eat breakfast burn an extra 200 calories to 300 calories a day. For those who have breakfast, breakfast banana diet likely to eat fewer calories than normal, but still get an increase in metabolism.
• Banana accelerate fat burning up to 25%
Bananas are one of the best sources of resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that suddenly the spotlight. Thanks to the groundbreaking research of new techniques, scientists are now finding resistant starch fermentation in the digestive tract, creating byproducts that increase fat burning takes place throughout the day, although only the breakfast meal is resistant substance. In a new study in Mexico, the dieter is given a drink of banana resistant starch decreased body weight two times more than dieters who get the same drink but without resistant starch.
• inhibits fat banana fiber and hunger
Breakfast 2 bananas provide 6 grams of fiber and no fat. Fibers swell in the stomach making it feel full longer. Fiber also attract some of the calories eaten than can be absorbed by the digestive system before. Thus, the fiber helps reduce calorie intake in two important ways. No wonder the Finnish researchers found that people who are overweight eat more fiber and reduce fat, lose weight three times more than those without.
The way to burn fat banana
The experts found that resistant starch in bananas also increases the absorption of calcium, another essential nutrient for weight loss. Positively bananas contain other nutrients that can also enhance weight loss. Consists of:
Vitamin C
The content of vitamin C in bananas Nutrition Adequacy 40% figure (AKG) us. Trigger weight loss by increasing the levels of amino acids that help burn fat faster.
Implies 26% RDA. Help trigger weight loss by preventing swollen or bloated by regulating sodium levels.
Vitamin B6
The amount is 50% RDA. Trigger weight loss because it helps dieters protect muscle metabolism boosters for weight loss.
Bananas help the body to make dopamine, a brain chemical that makes us feel full and satisfied with fewer calories.


  1. ra mudheng artineee. .
    hahahahahaa. .
    in indonesian please. .

  2. you can translate using a dictionary
