Saturday, May 19, 2012

Breastfeeding Prevents Obesity

In infants with bottle feeding, infant state be directed to drink, whereas when the baby milk direct initiative, so that when the baby was not wanted anymore, usually the baby will spend his tongue to push the pacifier or nipple mother

In infants with bottle feeding, infant state be directed to drink, whereas when the baby milk direct initiative, so that when the baby was not wanted anymore, usually the baby will spend his tongue to push the pacifier or nipple mother. From birth the baby has the ability to self-regulate their intake of milk. By identifying the circumstances and body language cues of the baby, then the mother can control the intake so that no excess intake can cause obesity

Do not worry that your baby will wake up with hunger if not get a full meal. Babies will stop drinking milk when she is full and usually it happens at the end of drinking milk which is high in fat, then the baby stops breast-feeding itself. But the habit of feeding themselves need to be aware and need to be restricted if the baby is already at the age of two years. Psychological condition of the baby that grew into a child needs to be controlled kemanjaannya levels.

Benefits of Mother's Milk
Already there are hardly any who questioned why breastfeeding is better than infant formula.

But in fact, there are many parents who have not realized the importance of breastfeeding their babies. Needless to say, not least human infants fed cow's milk has a tendency to fall sick easily. Of course this is because the proportion of nutrients that are wrong.

Human milk is the most perfect food for human infants, while cow's milk is perfect food for baby cows. To make the cow's milk is safe and can be given to human babies, cow's milk it must undergo several stages of the process to change the content of fat, protein, iron and salt. The result of a gradual process that is infant formula. Thus bayui can digest the formula well enough, but somehow it is not as perfect as infant formula milk.

Milk breast has the right proportions of fat, protein, sugars and salt are needed by the infant. In addition, there are many other benefits such as:

Protection Against Various Infections
Breastfeeding can help protect the infant against some common infections that cause diarrhea and vomiting, as well as infections in the ear, nose, sinuses and lungs.

Protection Against Allergies Food allergies
Materials in contact with an allergen early on is one of the main causes of allergies. Many babies are allergic to proteins in the milk formula. There has never been a history of allergy to milk the baby.

Reducing Obesity
Babies who were breastfed may have a lower potential risk of having autoimmune diseases, which occur when the immune system attacks the body itself. Among them is an attack of diabetes in children (juvenile-onset diabetes), multiple sclerosis, and two serious diseases, namely Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis (ulcerative colitis).

Improve Brain Development (Higher IQ)
Some studies show that babies who were breastfed have the higher IQ. Performance of the brain due to the increasing influence of breastfeeding may be particularly important for premature babies who have a higher risk of learning problems later in life.

Benefits for Mom
Babies are not the only ones to benefit from the activities menusui. Some of the advantage that the mother of this activity are:

Lose weight
Breastfeeding requires a lot of calories that can help mothers who are breast-feeding weight back on faster.

Shrink the uterus faster, with less bleeding
During breastfeeding, the brain releases a hormone that is mentioned oxytosin, which has some positive effects. Oxytosin causes the uterus to contract and therefore experience less bleeding during the mother's body memlakukan postnatal repair.

Psychological Benefits
Oxytosin also bring feelings of happiness and fun, a lot of feelings experienced by the mother during breastfeeding.

Reduce Cancer Risk
Women who are breastfeeding may also benefit from reduced risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

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