Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Exercise and Diabetes

When you are a diabetic, exercise is will help control your blood sugar levels.  But if you
are overweight or obese and diabetic, exercise will also help you lose weight.  As a
diabetic, there are additional considerations and precautions that you need to take before
you begin an exercise routine.  And once you have begun, you always need to be aware
of the risks involved.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Obesity and Pre-Diabetes

You can be diagnosed with pre-diabetes before you actually get diabetes.  In pre-diabetes
you have higher than normal blood sugars but they are not at the level that they would
need to be in order to be considered diabetic.  If you are obese or severely overweight and
pre-diabetic there are steps you can take to put off the actual diagnosis of diabetes or
prevent it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Motivation to Lose Weight

When you are diabetic you have probably read in many places and have heard from your
doctor how beneficial it is for you to lose weight.  But that doesn’t make it any easier to
do.  It is difficult to do, but everyone is right; you will reap many benefits from losing
weight including managing your diabetes and blood glucose levels.