Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sick Sinus Syndrome in Heart Disease

Heart Disease

Any irregularity in your heart's natural rhythm is called an arrhythmia. Almost everyone's heart skips a beat now and again, and these mild palpitations are usually harmless.

Electrical impulses from the heart muscle (the myocardium) cause the heart to beat (contract). This electrical signal begins in the Sinoatrial Node, also called the SA node or the sinus node. The SA node is located at the top of the heart's upper-right chamber (the right atrium). The SA node is sometimes called the heart's "natural pacemaker." When an electrical impulse is released from the SA node, it causes the heart's upper chambers to contract.
Sick sinus syndrome is a type of arrhythmia. These are a group of signs and symptoms that tells doctors the SA node is not working properly. The SA node usually sends electrical impulses at a certain rate, but if the SA node is not working properly, the heart may beat too fast, too slow, or both.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Rheumatic Fever and Heart Disease

Rheumatic Fever

Before antibiotic medicines became widely used, rheumatic fever was the largest cause of valve disease. Rheumatic fever is a condition that is a complication of untreated strep throat. Strep throat is caused by a group A streptococcal infection found in the throat.

Rheumatic fever can damage body tissues by causing them to swell, but its greatest danger lies in the damage it can do to your heart. More than half of the time, rheumatic fever leads to scarring of the heart's valves. This scarring can narrow the valve and make it harder for the valve to open properly or to close completely. In turn, your heart has to work harder to pump blood to the rest of your body. This valve damage can lead to a condition called rheumatic heart disease, which, in time, can lead to congestive heart failure.

Why heart disease?

heart disease

Heart disease is a term that applies to a large number of medical conditions relating to the heart. These medical conditions relate to the abnormal health conditions that directly affect the heart and all its components. Heart disease is a major health problem within some cultures.

One theory for heart disease is the radical changes within our lifestyles. People are often less active and eat diets high in fats. Takeaway food is abundant today and often people will eat it due to the increased availability. Some takeaway outlets are now helping cater to a healthier lifestyle by offering a variety of healthy dishes such as salads. People are becoming more aware of the risk of heart disease and choosing to change their diets.
Exercise is extremely important in order to avoid heart disease. Exercise helps to keep the heart in peak performance. By using a combination of exercise and a balanced diet, the risk of heart disease is greatly decreased.