Friday, March 30, 2012

Do Not Ignore Your Child's Golden Age (Part IV)

The benefits of playing in the golden age

Given the importance of gold for children's development phase, parents can choose schools or playgrounds are not just teaching reading and writing but also recognize the environmental, moral teaching and forming a positive personality. School for children at school is not a formal phase of the gold that is monotonous, but it should be a fun school education with the penetration through the game, including religious and moral values.

In the book What to Expect The Toddler Years, which dropped into by Arlene Eisenberg, Heidi E. Murkoff, and Sandee E. Hathaway, described some of the functions of play for children, namely: 
First, recognize the world around. Through play, they can explore different forms of the game, the colors, cause and effect, values, relationships between individuals, and others.
Second, improve self-esteem. Children love the games that they know well. Without an adult who determines what is wrong and what is right, the child feels free to try different things.
Third, build social skills. Play prepares children to interact with others, such as learning about sharing, waiting, hold opinions, to consider others and so on.
Fourth, the opportunity to channel emotions. Various emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, or anxiety is channeled through role playing.
Fifth, improve language skills. While playing, children use different words over and over, who train language development. For example, when the child playing with dolls or cars.
Sixthstimulates the creativity and imagination. With imagination, they can become doctors, police, fly planes, drive race cars, making the palace, cooking, feeding animals, and others.
Seventh, develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. This game can be obtained through activities such as the Block, puzzle, forming a candle, hold a crayon, and so on that help the development of this capability.
Eighthdevelop gross motor skills. Physical activity such as running, jumping, climbing, throwing and catching the ball and more  development of athletic ability and the basis for an active lifestyle in the future.

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