Monday, May 21, 2012

Bayu Atmojo's Blog: Diverse Types of Multivitamins

Bayu Atmojo's Blog: Diverse Types of Multivitamins:   Multivitamins helpfulness a individual get the dead nutrients requisite for a whole body. But, with numerous supplements usable toda...

Bayu Atmojo's Blog: How to apply surface cleansers?

Bayu Atmojo's Blog: How to apply surface cleansers?:   While cleansing the face one should be aware of the type of cleanser is utilized in the first instance so that the cleanser might no...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Breastfeeding Prevents Obesity

In infants with bottle feeding, infant state be directed to drink, whereas when the baby milk direct initiative, so that when the baby was not wanted anymore, usually the baby will spend his tongue to push the pacifier or nipple mother

In infants with bottle feeding, infant state be directed to drink, whereas when the baby milk direct initiative, so that when the baby was not wanted anymore, usually the baby will spend his tongue to push the pacifier or nipple mother. From birth the baby has the ability to self-regulate their intake of milk. By identifying the circumstances and body language cues of the baby, then the mother can control the intake so that no excess intake can cause obesity

Friday, May 18, 2012

Positive Attitude to Healthy Living

A positive outlook and attitude towards life can help keep healthy as we age. There are various steps we can take to help achieve a positive attitude. Follow all or some of these steps to help you life a full and enjoyable life.

A positive outlook and attitude towards life can help keep healthy as we age. There are various steps we can take to help achieve a positive attitude. Follow all or some of these steps to help you life a full and enjoyable life. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Healthy Living

The definition of healthy living is different for each and every person, but there are two things that most agree on. You have to learn to eat good foods that nourish your body, and you have to have some sort of exercise in your day to day life.

The definition of healthy living is different for each and every person, but there are two things that most agree on. You have to learn to eat good foods that nourish your body, and you have to have some sort of exercise in your day to day life. These things can be harder than people think when they set off on a new plan for a better life, and that is why it is sometimes smart to go ahead one step at a time until you have gotten where you want to be with your lifestyle habits and your health. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Healthiest Foods You Can Get

The following is a list of the healthiest and nutrition in foods that you can get.  This will help you get an idea as to what foods are the best for your body. It is highly recommended than you are taking a multivitamin.

The following is a list of the healthiest and nutrition in foods that you can get.  This will help you get an idea as to what foods are the best for your body. It is highly recommended than you are taking a multivitamin

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Your Amazing Body Clock

The biological clock regulates the body when to rest, when the body needs food or other activities of the body for 24 hours

Did you know that within us there is a biological clock that controls the body what to do naturally? The biological clock regulates the body when to rest, when the body needs food or other activities of the body for 24 hours. The timer clock can be run due to the suprachiasmatic Nuclei (SCN). By knowing the cycles that exist in our bodies, we can find out when the body is in optimal condition so that what we do is also beneficial for optimal health.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Easy Ways to Prevent Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer or cervical disease is one of the most experienced women. In Indonesia, a woman was expected to die from cancer every hour.

Cervical cancer or cervical disease is one of the most experienced women. In Indonesia, a woman was expected to die from cancer every hour.

WHO data also mentioned, the number of patients with cervical cancer in Indonesia is the largest in the world. Each year, more than 15 thousand detected cervical cancer in Indonesia with about 8,000 cases of which were fatal.

Is called cervical cancer because the cancer occurs in the vagina and cervix of the uterus of women. Virus causes cervical cancer is HPV (human papillomavirus) or human papilloma virus.

HPV cause warts in men and women, including genital warts in part, called condyloma akuminatum. Of the hundreds of types of HPV, only a few that can cause cancer. 

Positive and Healthy Bacteria Lactobacillus in Vagina

Human vagina is home to a variety of beneficial bacteria. Positive bacteria are useful to prevent microbial attack of evil. One of the most famous inhabitants of the vagina is a group of bacteria called lactobacillus.

Human vagina is home to a variety of beneficial bacteria. Positive bacteria are useful to prevent microbial attack of evil.

Now, a recent study found that the vaginal ecosystem is even more mysterious than previously estimated.

Not only that, the anatomy of the body's most prized possession that she had a home to a wide range of microbes and bacteria.

The study also found the vaginal ecosystem can change quickly without any ill effects to the owner. Research is very important, because the assumption that some vaginal infections related to changes in native flora (native flora) that affects the vagina is not a sign of disease of any changes.

"I think people will be surprised with the level of variation we see in this species. Practitioners and women will be able to see why they do not behave like their sisters, their daughters, or the last patient they saw," said Larry Forney researchers from the University of Idaho. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Eating Healthy During Pregnancy and Losing Weight

Starting off your with a healthy well
balanced diet is the best thing you do for yourself
and your baby.  This way, you'll only need to make
a few adjustments during your pregnancy.

Your first trimester
If you find it tough to maintain a balanced diet 
during your first trimester, you can rest assured
that your not alone.  Due to queasiness, some 
women will eat all of the time and gain a lot of 
weight in the process.  Other women have trouble
getting food down and subsequently lose weight.