Saturday, March 10, 2012

Insomnia Increases Risk of High Blood Pressure

A new study finds, insomnia who slept less than 5 hours a night most likely to develop high blood pressure than those who sleep soundly. 
The researchers estimated 8% to 10% population of America at risk the possibility of high blood pressure associated with chronic insomnia. 
The experts have known since a few years ago, the insomnia at a higher risk of developing depression and other psychiatric illnesses. Now the experts look at its association with high blood pressure. 
The study involved 1.741 adults living in central Pennsylvania who were randomly selected and are willing to sleep in the laboratory. Based on the answers to questions designed to assess the quality of their sleep, 8% have insomnia with symptoms that persist for at least 1 year and 22% were classified as poor sleep is hard to fall asleep, difficulty sleeping soundly and have poor sleep quality. 
About half of the participants slept more than 6 hours is considered normal. Assessment results revealed: 
A. People who sleep less than 5 hours a night and had a higher risk of insomnia than 5 times the people who sleep more than 6 hours a night without insomnia or poor sleep. 
2. People who sleep 5-6 hours a night and had insomnia had 3,5 times the risk of high blood pressures, compared with people who sleep normally without insomnia or poor sleep. 
3. The risk of high blood pressure among those who reported insomnia, but sleep has more than 6 hours in the laboratory are similar to those who say they sleep normally. 
The researchers are not surprised by these findings. More research linking sleep deprivation with a number of medical conditions, including obesity in adults and children, and associated with diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. 
Adults need about 8 hours of sleep a night. If the body needs to sleep 8 hours and you only sleep 5 or 6 hours, you have to pay for it with tired all the time and do not function properly. 
These rare-steps can be taken by people with insomnia to improve sleep: 
• Use the bedroom only for sleep and sex 
Rung bed do not use double as a home office or media center. People with problems should not be sleeping in bed watching television, eating in bed, or even read in bed.Bedroom only for sleep. 
• If not asleep within 20 minutes, get up and do something boring 
The bed is often a battleground for those who have trouble sleeping. Rather than lying in bed, better wake up and do the activities that are not too stimulating, until you are tired. 
• Eat a snack 
Drink a glass of milk, cheese, or even turkey. 
• Create a sleep environment 
Turn off the lights and you will feel comfortable. 
• Exercise, but not before going to bed 
Studies show that exercise improves sleep, but do it too close to bedtime can keep you awake. So give the lag time of at least 3 hours before bedtime you must have completed the exercise. 

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